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Adult Creative Writing Courses.

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When emailing or calling the Continuing Education team about a class,
please provide the title and four digit course ID#.

Click on the class title to see the full description. 



Class ID: 5437

Start date: 01/29/25

Weekly - Wed 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM (1/29/2025-3/19/2025)

8 sessions.

Days of the Week: Weekly - Wed .

Tuition: $199.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location: SFCC Main Campus Location : 
  SFCC Main Campus.

Instructor : Kay Vinson 

Call 505-428-1676 to register

Class ID: 5385

Start date: 04/03/25

Weekly - Thu 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (4/3/2025-4/10/2025)

2 sessions.

Days of the Week: Weekly - Thu .

Tuition: $59.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location: SFCC Main Campus Location : 
  SFCC Main Campus.

Instructor : Kenny Mann 

Class ID: 5383

Start date: 01/28/25

Weekly - Tue 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM (1/28/2025-3/18/2025)

8 sessions.

Days of the Week: Weekly - Tue .

Tuition: $149.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location: Live Local Online Location : 
  Live Local Online.

Instructor : Terri Wilson 

Call 505-428-1676 to register