FAQ How do I register and pay? There are three easy ways to register. Registration is not considered final until payment has been made. Register as soon as possible to assure a place in the course(s) you want. If you delay, the class may either be full or cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. No registrations are accepted in class.
Continuing Education at SFCC
6401 Richards Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87508-4887 Click here to download our registration form to register by mail. NOTE: Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Prices and room assignments may change without notice. Check the website for current information. SFCC is not responsible for typographical errors. How do I register online? What if I’ve taken Continuing Education classes before?
This is a new registration system created exclusively for Continuing Education students. You will need to create a new Student Profile in order to use it. Your MySFCC account will not work with this system. How do I change my online profile? You may change your student profile at any time. After signing in, select the “My Profile” link under “Menu” to change any of the information. When finished, click on the “Submit” button. How do I print a receipt for an online registration? To print a receipt, sign in and select "My Transactions" and locate the class. Under "Action", select "Print View" and print your receipt. Here are two ways to help keep your selected class on schedule: 1. Register early, do it today! Each class has a minimum required enrollment. Once that number is reached, the class is a “Go.” 2. Find a class you like? Encourage a friend to join you. Sometimes two or three people make the difference between “Go” and “Cancel.”
What if a class I’m registered for gets canceled? Classes with insufficient enrollment will be canceled two days prior to the class start date, and those registered will be notified by email. Refunds will be processed automatically for courses cancelled by SFCC. SFCC reserves the right to cancel any class. Class locations, dates, times and instructors are subject to change without notice. What is the refund policy? Class fees are automatically refunded in full when: • the class or workshop is full. • the activity is canceled. • SFCC rejects the enrollment application. If you choose to withdraw from a class, your refund is calculated as follows:
• Classes of one or two sessions – if you drop a class at least one day before the starting date, the full class fee will be refunded; if you drop a class less than one day before the starting date, no refund will be given. • Classes of three or more sessions – if you drop a class before the second session, the full class fee will be refunded; if you drop a class after the second session, no refund will be given. Some classes have special refund policies. This information is listed in the class description. Allow three to five weeks for processing a refund.
How do I withdraw from a class?You may withdraw online, by telephone or submit your request in writing. It must be accomplished before the deadlines stated above. You can make your request in person at the Continuing Education office or mail it to: Continuing Education, 6401 Richards Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87508-4887. Please allow three to five weeks for processing. Where are classes held? Classes are held at SFCC and at other locations in and around Santa Fe. The location is noted in the online class description and on the confirmation you receive by email. How can I find out about college closures, delays or emergencies? SFCC and off-campus locations may close due to weather or other emergency situations. Sign up for alerts by visiting www.getrave.com/login/sfcc and selecting the Register button, check the website at www.sfcc.edu or call the Weather Watch Line at 505-428-1716. SFCC Alert is the college’s automated emergency alert system. We encourages Continuing Education students and instructors to enroll at no cost. Visit getrave.com/login/sfcc and click on the Register button. Follow the directions in order to customize your notice preferences. Options include text messages, emails and phone messages. For more information, contact SFCC’s Safety and Security Department at 505-428-1367. What if I have a disability? If you have a documented disability and require assistance in class, call or visit the Office of Student Accessibility for coordination of your accommodations. The office is located in Room LL313. The phone number is 505-428-1455. Can I purchase gift certificates for Continuing Education classes? Gift Cards are available for purchase in any amount starting from $15, with no expiration date. Click here to purchase an eGift Card If you have additional questions, please call 505-428-1676 for assistance. Customer Satisfaction Guarantee: Your satisfaction is our highest priority. If at any time you are not fully satisfied with your class, site or instructor, call 505-428-1676. |