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Still Life Studies in Gouache

Course number : 4000106   ID : 4606   
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Learn how to use gouache to create realist studies of objects you cherish. In this course, become acquainted with skills and techniques to create paintings with depth, texture, and nuance. Improve your color matching, value range, and accuracy when painting from life. Participate in guided exercises and demos, and create your own observational painting of an object unique to you. Students can expect 1 on 1 guidance and feedback from the instructor, as well as group critiques. Some prior painting experience in any medium recommended.

Class Details

4 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

Live Local Online

Morgan Jones 



Call 505-428-1676 to register Send to Friend » Request More Info »

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
7/25/2024 - 8/15/2024 Weekly - Thu 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM Santa Fe, Live Local Online  Map Morgan Jones 

Other Class Offerings

Still Life Studies in Gouache
ID: 4954

09/10/24 - 10/01/24
Weekly - Tue
4 sessions.

Live Local Online

Morgan Jones