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Take Your iPad on the Road – A Plein Air Experience

Course number : 4000123   ID : 5496   
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Learn how to digitally paint on your iPad by going on an adventure! This is a more in-depth digital art class using the iPad that draws inspiration from both outdoor (weather permitting) and indoor sites in Santa Fe. You will learn to use the software Procreate, an inexpensive digital painting program found on your iPad, to draw sketches that can be used later when creating your natural media paintings. You will develop skills to create unlimited variations that allow you to explore all your ideas about your painting and see which one you want to develop. Using the tools in Procreate, you will be able to produce digital paintings that you can print out on gallery-quality paper, or turn your natural media artwork into digital paintings to seamlessly collage other elements into it.

Class Details

3 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed

SFCC Main Campus

Barbara Mehlman 



Registration Closes On
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
4/2/2025 - 4/16/2025 Weekly - Wed 10:00 AM - 02:30 PM Santa Fe, SFCC Main Campus  Map Barbara Mehlman