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NM Workforce Development Classes supported by NM Legislature and NM Higher Education Department

To search by Course ID#, use search box above.

When emailing or calling the Continuing Education team about a class,
please provide the title and four digit course ID#.

Click on the class title to see the full description. 



Class ID: 6010

Start Date: upon registration

No. Sessions: Self-Paced

Days of the Week:

Tuition: $0.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Instructor : TBD Instructor 

Class ID: 5704

Start Date: upon registration

No. Sessions: Self-Paced

Days of the Week:

Tuition: $0.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location: Santa Fe Higher Education Center (HEC) Location : 
  Santa Fe Higher Education Center (HEC).

Instructor : TBD Instructor 

Suicide Prevention: QPR Training »

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